
What are cats?

Have you ever had problems understanding cats?

Here is a quick tutorial made by one of our fellow engineers about cats, what resources they require, what activities they have to accomplish and how you can use them.


The future of displays

   The future of displays is about only making them smaller, lighter, more durable and more colorful, but also about making them FLEXIBLE! Watch this video to understand more about the matter.


The first computer, out of LEGO!

   A replica of the first ever computer, made by the greeks, which dates from aprox. 100 BC has been rebuilt, from LEGO! It's amazing to see a piece of ancient engineering brought back to life in an entertaining yet serious and practical form. Enjoy the video!

Iron man suit, soon, in a store near you..

   Never thought an Iron Man suit is possible? Just wait a few more years for this company to build it and you could have one. Congratulations on the XOS 2 suit and good luck with the new version!

Engineers, proving the improbable

   This is what engineering is about. When skilled engineers gather and set their minds and efforts into one idea then anything can happen.

   A true engineer should never think something is impossible, he should always consider any idea to be at most improbable, at that time.

The truth about engineers

   If you didn't know this by now, here is the truth about, but only a small part of it, about engineers!



Anatomy of a Computer Virus

   It's truly amazing what the Internet offers these days. All the knowledge required to hack a system is out there. You just have to have a little information and a bit of curiosity combined with ambition and anything is possible.


LOL of the day

   Dedicated to all my friends that graduate today from our university's Computer Science faculty.


How to achieve infinite power! (option 2)

   How many times haven't you been in the situation where your laptop battery is running low and you have nowhere to charge it? Now there is a solution!

   The USB Laptop self-charger cable! You'll "NEVER" run out of power!
Notice: In case your laptop shuts down even with the USB Laptop-self charger than your laptop battery is dead.
Notice 2.0: This is a joke!

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